Attorney Wellness -
Taking Care of You While You Take Care of Your Clients
NYSACDL cares about you - we have put together a list of resources that may be helpful to you or a colleague. Please share.
Please ask for help if you think you need it - you are better for your clients and your family when you take care of yourself.
Lawyer Assistance Programs
New York State Bar Association: 1-800-255-0569;
New York City Bar: 212-302-5787
Nassau County Bar Association: 888-408-6222 -;
Monroe County Bar Association: 585-234-1950 - Alcohol or Substance Dependency
Suicide Prevention
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255) -
National, Toll-Free, 24 Hours
Crisis Text Line: Need help? Text START to 741-741
Chemical Dependency and Self-Help Sites
Mental Health
Depressed Anonymous:
National Mental Health Association (NMHA) -
1-800-273-TALK (8255) to reach a 24-hour crisis center;
Text MHA to 741741 at the Crisis Text Line